Dog Day Afternoon

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

perished perception

what used to be a starry night
containing infinite possibilities,
is now a vast void,
a bowl of blue stars blinking
away tears in the darkness

what used to be a roseate ocean
teaming with the beauty of life,
is now turbulent water,
endlessly crashing waves,
slowly eroding away the day

what used to be fiesta of sunshine
drying the dew off dampened soul,
is now a distant light
of fading memories
whispering a tepid farewell

what used to soar on feathery wings,
with hope and wisdom, fire and flowers,
compassion and whimsy, is gone.
for love is scant and apathy abounds.
what used to be is no more.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

happy birthday

Happy Birthday Rachel.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Mistical Vision

urging swaggering sunset to conclude artful fancy
concede us darkness, tenure of astral flight.
faraway hillsides, somewhere east of elation
cordial young cowboy on worn rock alight.

prairie dog , cicadas, coati, friends they all tarry
caress my soul nearing mistical vision, away for too long.
blackened sky’s distant eyes glimmer weepy grief
as wolf bays lonely comet’s traveling song.

twine of wrapped fiber grown from seeds of compassion
form a lasso of love, cast to embrace heart’s desire
truer aim neer exist, nevertheless wishes wisped from rope’s hope
and falls bereft of your evanescent ambition from celestial empire.

dreams to embrace a shadow of dancing spectral light
a witness if they come true, dusty boots, empty in the night.